R+D+I network for supercomputing

The X4HPC R+D+I Network is a network coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS).

Formed by the most representative scientific institutions and research centers in Catalonia in the field of High-Performance Computing (HPC) and its different scientific applications in a myriad of relevant fields.

With the goal of joining forces and boosting the tech transfer capability of strategic projects, becoming an interdisciplinary network.


Mission icon

To accelerate the technology transfer of scientific projects using High Performance Computing (HPC) tools.

By supporting disruptive technologies that can generate a positive impact in society.

Promoting the interaction between research and industry.


Vission icon

Convert the X4HPC ecosystem in Catalonia into a pool of innovation in HPC technologies at an international level.

Lead the transfer of innovative applications of high-performance computing in new areas (development of new processors, design of AI solutions, genome sequencing, simulation of complex phenomena).


Values icon

Excellence and quality.

Responsibility and commitment.

Ethics and honesty.


Collective identity and teamwork.


Mariona Sanz Ausàs

Mariona Sanz Ausàs

Head of Innovation and Business Development Unit at BSC.

mail mariona.sanz@bsc.es
Anna Escoda Sabater

Anna Escoda Sabater

X4HPC Director.
Innovation and Business Development Unit at BSC.

mail anna.escoda@bsc.es
Maria Rosés Guix

Maria Rosés Guix

X4HPC Manager.
Innovation and Business Development Unit at BSC.

mail maria.roses@bsc.es
Iris Pallarol Isábal

Iris Pallarol Isábal

X4HPC Valorization Technician.
Innovation and Business Development Unit at BSC.

mail iris.pallarol@bsc.es
Nabahette Keddi

Nabahette Keddi

X4HPC Administrative Manager.
Management - Finance projects at BSC.

mail nabahette.keddi@bsc.es

X4HPC Objectives

Technology Transfer

To transfer technology and knowledge in the field of High Performance Computing ( to Industry and society (technology push).


Provide researchers with complementary skills in the areas of protection, valorization, tech transfer and entrepreneurship (innovation, bootcamps) and consolidate acceleration programs focused on HPC tools.


Generation of standardized IP materials and protection strategies with transversal and disruptive focus for HPC technologies (combination of traditional approaches and open source IP).

HPC Catalan Ecosystem boost

Manage and bring together the supercomputing ecosystem in Catalonia.

Give visibility to HPC projects by participating in forums and events.

X4HPC Offering

X4HPC Offering illustration